Dog Grooming

A La Carte

nail trim $5

nail grind $10

nail polish $5

de-matting $20/per hour

flea or oatmeal bath $5

De-skunk $10

face trim only $5

Bath includes

  • Nail trim or grind

  • De-shed

  • Bath with shampoo and conditioner

  • Blow-out

  • Brush out


Prices depend on how much a dog weighs and how much hair you want to trim.

There is also a $10 charge if you are more than 15 minutes late


Under 20 pounds

Bath $25

Bath and Haircut $45

20-40 pounds

Bath $35

Bath and Haircut $60

40-80 pounds

Bath $50

Bath and Haircut $90

80 pounds and over

Bath $75

Bath and Haircut $100


Book an appointment